Planned maintenance on EU-3

1 day and 9 hours

Dear customers,

Please disregard this maintenance on eu-2 realm, the wrong component has been selected by error.

Avatar for Caro Carvajal
Caro Carvajal

Dear customer,

As part of our ongoing platform performance and stability improvements, we will be performing maintenance in the Data Integration area for our eu-3 realm.

During the maintenance window the Data Jobs in Data Integration won’t produce any INFO-type logs. WARNING and ERROR-type logs continue to be available.

The Data Jobs’ success and performance generally won’t be impacted during the maintenance window, however there will be up to two windows of 20 minutes each of unavailability of Data Integration. During these 20 minute windows, the Data Integration UI will not be reachable, and Data Jobs may encounter temporary errors.

The system will automatically recover due to automatic retries.

Thank you for understanding

Avatar for Caro Carvajal
Caro Carvajal
Began at:

Affected components
  • EU-2