We're currently having issues with EU-1 Data Integration


We've now resolved the incident. Thank you for your patience.

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Data Integeration services have remained stable through the day. Restorative actions have finished and we continue to monitor.

Next update 17:00 UTC.

We apologise for any inconenvience.

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After restorative actions the past few hours only minor degradation to Data Integration performance has been observed. The situation is currently stable but still being investigated and monitored.

Next update 14:30 UTC.

We apologise for any inconenvience.

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Data Integration performance has been stable since 07:30 UTC. Engineering teams are continuing with remediation of the underlying root cause and mitgative actions.

Next update 12:30 UTC.

We apologise for any inconenvience.

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We're currently experiencing issues on EU-1 causing short intermittent periods of degradation to data integration services. Engineering teams continue to investigate.

Next update 09:00 UTC.

We apologise for any inconenvience.

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Began at:

Affected components
  • EU-1